The Mission Continues is a national veterans organization dedicated to empowering veterans as community-based leaders. We invest in veterans and under-resourced communities, developing new skill sets and equipping a growing veteran volunteer movement with the tools to drive positive change. We deploy veteran volunteers in more than 40 cities nationwide alongside nonprofit partners and community leaders to improve educational resources, address food insecurity, increase access to parks and green spaces, foster neighborhood identity, and more. Through this unique model, veterans are provided opportunities for personal connection and professional growth while generating visible community impact. This work is made possible through the generous contributions of our mission partners.
To learn more, visit http://www.missioncontinues.org or follow us on Twitter at @missioncontinue.


Boots On The Ground Podcast sparks conversations with veterans and organizations who are working to address the critical issues and challenges affecting veterans, our families, and communities-in-need nationwide.
This show is hosted by an Army veteran and offers an opportunity to connect with veteran community members, highlight and educate our audience on military culture, meaning, and purpose.
The subject of any given episode may range from veteran mental health, the transition from active-duty to veteran, women veterans, veteran service organizations, leadership/ professional/ personal growth no name a few.
Meet our panel of veteran subject matter experts, each with military experience and specialized knowledge across various domains. Available for media engagement, they offer invaluable insights on topics ranging from defense to leadership. Leverage their unique blend of real-world wisdom and academic expertise for a thoughtful and informed perspective.
MEDIA INQUIRES: Please fill out the MEDIA INQUIRY FORM to connect with one of our experts further.
Darren Thompson, Washington DC Platoon Leader, Volunteerism, Civic Engagement, Veterans doing Improv
Darren joined the Navy and was deployed the following year in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He was attached to the USS Leyte Gulf (CG-55) where he was encouraged by the captain of the ship to get out of the service and go to college. From there he attended college at the University of Maryland, law school at Loyola University of New Orleans, and is currently earning his MBA at George Washington University. He has worked as a substitute teacher, volunteer math and English tutor and teaches free improv classes for Veterans. He currently leads the Washington DC Platoon, which focuses on school and community revitalization.
Wesley King, Regional Operations Manager, The Mission Continues, Former Army Ranger, Veteran Mental Health, Soldier–to–civilian transition
Wes King is a US Army Combat Veteran, having served 7 years in active duty, deploying many times to Iraq and Afghanistan as a member of the elite 75th Ranger Regiment. For Wes, the hardest part of his military career was the transition from active duty to civilian. While in the military, he felt he had a constant purpose, but after he left, he struggled to find it again. He has since found that purpose by serving with his fellow veterans by providing peer-to-peer counseling. Wes served as the Seattle Platoon Leader for The Mission Continues and was recently brought on to The Mission Continues team as a Regional Operations Manager. He oversees platoon projects and leaders in the Northwest United States.
Dawn Jackson, Mental Health Advocate, Los Angeles Platoon Leader, Veteran Mental Health Expert, Women Veterans
Although Dawn Jackson served honorably as an officer in the Air Force after graduating from Columbia University, she did not identify as a veteran for many years. She felt like an imposter. The mixed emotions about her role in the Global War on Terrorism and a struggle to find a sense of purpose led her to form a deep disillusionment of her service and avoid addressing her PTSD. After serving, she succeeded in real estate, finance, and entertainment but never truly felt connected to those careers. Her struggle to form a sense of continuity and to pair her profession with her purpose resulted in a decline of her mental health. Dawn left corporate America behind and pursued a career in the non-profit world, focusing her efforts on providing mental health access and advocacy. Her work addressed the spectrum of issues related to mental health awareness; from suicide prevention to the homelessness crisis gripping the Los Angeles area. She found her purpose working directly with clients as a Mental Health Advocate at the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Dawn now serves as the Los Angles Platoon Leader and has led her fellow veterans on Service Projects that tackle food insecurity and sustainability in one of the most diverse communities in America.
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