In Memory & In Honor…
Veterans are at the center of everything we do at The Mission Continues. As an organization, we honor and recognize the commitment, bravery and sacrifice of our nation’s military. In this special virtual space, we hope you will help us recognize and remember those who have served, or are still serving today.

If you would like to make a contribution to our tribute wall, please click below to make a donation.
DonateAnonymous Anonymous in memory of Aubrey King
Anonymous Anonymous in memory of Allen Kleinhenz
Anonymous Anonymous in memory of Audie Murphy
Anonymous Anonymous in memory of Toby Ochoa
Anonymous Anonymous in memory of Fulton J. Sheen Peter John Sheen
Anonymous Anonymous in memory of Alvin C. York
Bradley Warr in memory of Duane Munson
gene aiello in memory of duane munson
Gregory Stroebel in memory of Daniel A. Desens, USA
Gregory Stroebel in memory of Daniel A. Desens, USA
Karen May in memory of Duane Munson
Laurel Payne in memory of Duane Munson
Anonymous Anonymous in honor of Patrick Cain
Anonymous Anonymous in honor of Justin Kaminski
Anonymous Anonymous in honor of Richard & Colleen Lyden
Bradley Harbin in honor of The veterans served by The Mission Continues
Bradley Harbin in honor of The veterans served by The Mission Continues
Charles Gugelman in honor of Bart Davis
Charles Gugelman in honor of Bart Davis
Charles Gugelman in honor of Bart Davis
Charles Gugelman in honor of Bart Davis
Constance Fong in honor of The veterans served by The Mission Continues
Deborah Johnson in honor of The veterans served by The Mission Continues
Deborah Johnson in honor of The veterans served by The Mission Continues
{Name 1} in honor|memory of {Name 2}