Where We’re Serving
Join us for a day of service on Sunday, June 11th at Truly Living Well!
Truly Living Well is a leader in urban agriculture, seeking to connect people to the land through education, training and the demonstration of economic success. They are strategically located in a food desert in Atlanta’s Westside, and work to bring the community together through their programming, their open landscape, and their activities, all around the theme of fresh and healthy eating.
What We’ll Be Doing
This will be our largest project in scale, and will include a variety of tasks across the sprawling campus of Truly Living Well’s urban farm. Our participants will create an outdoor classroom, a pavilion, a pathway winding up a steep hillside, and renovations of the garden area.
The Activities
There’s a purpose behind each project at Truly Living Well. Check out the various activities taking place throughout the day:
Let’s learn - Create an indoor/outdoor classroom complete with amphitheatre and sensory garden to teach community youth about urban agriculture.
Let’s grow - Contribute to the hydroponics farm by installing rain catchment system and growing tables.
Let’s honor - Help restore the Victory Garden that serves as a reminder of veteran service and the historical importance of community gardens.
Let’s pave the way - Forge a walking path throughout the hillside for users to fully enjoy the grounds.
Let’s build - Construct areas to help learn and grow, literally! Build garden beds, chalkboards, classroom seating and more to support the farm and community education.
The Service Impact
From job creation to healthy living, there are so many ways Truly Living Well works to support the Westside community. Given the scope and scale of the project, our work at the farm will be ongoing. Our local Atlanta Service Platoons and fellows will help upkeep the outcomes achieved and support the farm in its pursuit of sustainable urban agriculture.
We appreciate your support and your time. Volunteers are welcome to work for all or a portion of the project day
Sign up to serve with us at Truly Living Well!
Service Project
What To Wear
Dress comfortably and ready to get dirty. Long pants are recommended.
Sturdy gym shoes or other work shoes (no open toe shoes).
A Mission Continues t-shirt will be provided at the project.
What to Bring
Sun coverage: hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc.
Work gloves
Inclement Weather
In case of a weather emergency, volunteers can evacuate to the M. Agnes Jones Elementary School (MAJES) across the street from the farm.