A Day Of Service For 9/11! Please come out and join Seattle 1st and 2nd Platoons members and volunteers in a project that will transform Northwest Tap Connection for our youth and the community. We will be lending a hand to the community of Rainier Beach, and those that call this amazing neighborhood home. Not only is this the most exciting service event of the year, but it also happens to be our VERY FIRST project at the Northwest Tap Connection in Seattle! The project will consist of two teams; the demolition team and the gardening team. The demo team will be breaking down parts of the old dance studio in preparation for new additions, while the gardening team will be building and planting mobile flower beds for the youth. You can expect: - Some awesome service opportunities - A TMC Shirt and other SWAG - Free Lunch Provided - Friendship - Camaraderie - Having a great and unforgettable volunteer experience! Come on out and bring the kids and join us at Northwest Tap Connection for A Day Of Service for 9/11!
Service Project
What To Wear
TMC blue
What to Bring
Water Bottle
Inclement Weather
Event Contact
When and where
September 15, 2018
10:00 AM - 02:00 PM (PDT)
Northwest Tap Connection
8732 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98118
Parking Information
Street parking