Charlie Class 2015 Reports for Duty
Jul 25, 2015

July 23, 2015
Charlie Class 2015 brought Fellows and platoon leaders together from all over the country. Scholars from the Pat Tillman Foundation joined our ranks for a great service project. Check out some of our best photos below.
Fellow Alumna Melissa Enriquez shares her story with the class.
Fellows swap contact details during a networking session.
Volunteers, supporters and scholars from The Pat Tillman Foundation greet Fellows as they arrive to the project.
Fellows and Tillman Scholars construct a new park bench.
Fellows and Tillman Scholars prepare to raise a new piece of the obstacle course.
The project welcomed volunteers of all shapes and sizes.
Although the orientation project was eventually cut short due to thunderstorms, the work is far from over. Volunteers, including members of the Chicago Service Platoons returned to Bynum Island to help complete the remaining tasks.
Ryan Cannon, Phoenix 1st Service Platoon Leader
Crystal Lafluer, San Antonio 2nd Service Platoon Leader
Interested in being a member of the next class of Mission Continues Fellows or Service Platoon Leaders? Visit our website and apply today.