The Power of Veterans to Bring People Together
NOVEMBER 4, 2021
A fireside chat to explore and discuss the power of veterans to bring people together across divides. How can the U.S. harness the collective power of a mission-focused, service-centric force to tackle our most pressing challenges? Join our series capstone conversation to learn about initiatives to prepare and support veterans as they face unique challenges of modern leadership.
- Mary Beth Bruggeman, President, The Mission Continues
Denis McDonough, Secretary, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
*Disclaimer: This will be an in-person event by invitation only
Veteran Service and Leadership
OCTOBER 14, 2021
More than ever, we need leaders capable of steadily and staunchly navigating their organizations and teams through life’s most challenging moments.
This fireside chat engaged two leading voices on veterans and service about how they lead with purpose, especially in times of crisis.
Service Saves Lives: How Volunteering and Community Improve Mental Health
SEPTEMBER 29, 2021
Research shows that veterans who continue serving have a higher sense of purpose, are more resilient, practice self-efficacy, and feel better connected to both veteran and civilian communities. In essence, volunteerism shows causal improvements in self-esteem and social connectedness — two main proponents of physical and mental wellbeing.
In this conversation and alongside experts in the space, we will explore the importance of service as an “upstream” intervention to address mental health challenges: wellbeing, suicide prevention, brain health & science, and more.
To view this impactful conversation, click the link below.
Leaders at the Table: The Rise of Women’s Leadership & Service in the 21st Century
AUGUST 25, 2021
Women leaders bring an authentic identity, experience, and perspective to the table when solving problems and leading teams. In the 20 years since 9/11, we have seen a dramatic shift as women in all aspects of our economy, philanthropy and government have changed what it means to serve and lead in this country. Now, there is a growing recognition of the unique contributions that propel success when more voices–including women leaders– are at the table and are being heard.
If you missed this powerful and engaging conversation, click on the link below to view the entire discussion.
The Implication of 9/11 & The Next 20 Years of Service
JULY 29, 2021
The terrorist attacks of 9/11 stunned the world and remain an inflection point that forever changed America. While much of the focus has been on the human toll, financial cost of war, and national security implications, the attacks and subsequent wars also inspired a new generation of leaders across the veteran space.
See below for content from this amazing conversation between some of our nation’s most respected leaders.